Otto Lehto

Otto Lehto is a Finnish philosopher and political economist whose current work focuses on complexity theory, evolutionary political economy, transhumanism, human enhancement, basic income, social epistemology, and naturalism. He is currently a postdoctoral research fellow at New York University’s School of Law (2022-2023) and an affiliated Junior Researcher at Freiburg University’s FRIBIS Institute. He has also been a visiting scholar at University of Arizona’s philosophy department (2020). He recently finished his PhD at King’s College London’s Department of Political Economy (2021) on the topic of Evolutionary Political Economy, Permissionless Innovation, and Welfare State Governance. He earned his BA in English (2009) and MA in Social and Moral Philosophy (2015) from the University of Helsinki. He is the recipient of the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) LAHP studentship (2017-2019), Adam Smith Fellowhip at George Mason University (2019-2020), and a Templeton Foundation Grant at King’s College London (2020).